Information and insights indicated that the two organization’s cultures are extremely well aligned, and all key stakeholders expressed solid support for the initiative. Importantly, the areas targeted for potential integration are ripe with promise and warrant next step in-depth review. In considering all findings, Mainstream’s and Gateway’s Boards and Executive Directors have decided to move onto Phase Two of the project – ‘Future State Planning.’
During Phase Two, key stakeholders will co-design process frameworks for each business area impacted by the Strategic Alliance. Design decisions must align with M&G Strategic Alliance objectives and measures of success:
- Heightened efficiencies-make the most pf Mainstream & Gateway's resources
- Rise to new levels of effectiveness-expand and advance Mainstream's & Gateway's capacity to provide progressive supports to people with a dual diagnosis and other people who "fall through the cracks"
- Develop alternative housing options
- Employees at both agencies will expand their knowledge and skill sets for supporting people with a dual diagnosis
- Both agencies being well positioned as sustainable organizations
- The developmental services sector and the mental health sector having a cross sector strategic alliance project from which to learn and replicate
Mainstream and Gateway look forward to pursuing this project further in 2019. If you have questions about the Strategic Alliance feel free to reach out to either Executive Director by email:
Kevin Berswick: kberswick@mainstreamservices.com
John Osczypko: johno@gatewayofniagara.ca